Tuesday, March 22, 2011

green is nature...

Since I have so many clothes, I decided to do a theme every week. One color theme per week for me to be able to use all of them.

First Week~ Green Week!

I so love the color green. Green is equals to nature and environment. These are my outfits for this week.

Hmmmmnnn..What color will it be for next week?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ballerina's shoes...

Another week, another event to attend. Everyone wants to learn BALLET! I just hope I can learn. ^_^

First stop, we need the proper dress and shoes. Yay, found one~

Second, the best place to be..a ballet studio! Princess Chibi opened her own ballet studio today, so, check.

Companions. The members of the Princess Club are all welcome to join. Everyone is dressed as ballerina. I'm so excited to see who will learn the arts of dancing ballet.

Maybe before this week ends we'll all learn how to dance ballet with grace and proper manner *crosses fingers*.

♥ a wedding: reunion of hearts ♥

A new couple had found LOVE. It was Princess Slurpee and Prince Bluee's wedding.

To say that we, all the Princesses and Princes, were shocked was an understatement. Jaw fell on the floor, figuratively, eyes wide as a saucer. those were the reactions the couple was given when they announced their impending marriage. But who are we to argue, they found happiness and love with each other. We can just be happy for them.

Today is the post wedding party of the couple. Everyone was invited and everyone is entitled to a giveaway, if they attend. The party is at Princess Slurpee's house. It was such a blast. Everyone was happy for the couple.


Everyone is dress as Bridesmaid and Groomsmen. 

♥ Me, dressed as a Bridesmaid ♥

I'm wishing the couple a new and healthy relationship and many little Princess and Prince.

I hope I can find my Prince soon. I can only wait for him. Maybe he's lost or somewhere that cannot be found in the globe? Nah...

blessings coming my way..

Adding to my vast collection of clothes were the items on my wishlist.

It was a late night of March 04, Friday, that I met an ANGEL. Although she's down at that moment, she wishes to help others be happy by granting their wish. Her name is Lola, her owner/mother, Veronica is a heaven sent to people like me who can't and won't buy the blue coins.

I wished for the Valentine present for her or the Curly Princess Wig.  They're both the same prices. She sent me the Bundle and we traded for the Wig! That day I can't stop smiling. The rush of the day is still in my system. I slept at 5 in the morning, can you imagine?

♥ Here is me with the presents from Lola ♥

♥ so cute ♥

The next day, a fellow Princess, Cutie, sent me the gorgeous Green Party Dress to match up with the headband that I already possess. Cute me, huh?

It was in the middle of last week that I purchased the Japanese Princess Bundle for a low price(for me). I really liked the way the wig fits me and the Kimono, the patterns are so intricate. I love it. 

Now I fit perfectly well in my Japanese Garden!

Our creator have blessed me with these people and their pure hearts. My owner/mother wants to thank them personally but they live on different places. But through me, I'm really thankful for the wonderful person that they are! Keep making other people happy guys!

And I'm turning into a Drama Princess ♥

Monday, March 7, 2011

a child was unleashed...

My best friend, Momomi, and I decided to go to a carnival park! The last time we went to one was ages ago.
So, we went to this carnival near our house. Momomi lives just a few streets away from mine.

We were so excited when we saw different stalls in there! We bought some cotton candies and drinks before we began strolling the place.

We tried the punch machine, I just don't know how to feel. It was so hard! Look at my face! haha!
We also tried the Claw Paw machine, but we didn't get any plushies. ^_^


The child inside us were unleashed! We had so much fun! We rarely see each other as we are busy with our individual lives. But I hope Momomi and I will do this more often in the future. ♥

Friday, March 4, 2011

pampering day...

I was having a tough week because of my work. Added to that was the day we went shopping. My muscles were sore and I really need to relax a bit.

So, I decided to visit Princess Polly to invite her to accompany to a day of relaxing. But she kindly refused and offered me her own home. She got her own Spa! So, I took a dip in those pools Polly had.


Next stop, I visited Princess Puchy to tell her about Princess Polly's Spa room. But i got surprised instead. She got her own Spa room, too!! Ooops, I forgot to change and remove my hat! I'm soaked all over, so, I decided to take the offer and spend some Spa time...again..^_^

When I finished my Spa time, I went to Princess Simona's house. Princess Puchy told me that she got her own Salon in her house. Since I like my hair longer, I opted to have my hair dyed and straightened.

And while I'm at it, I visited Princess Naima, too. Now, I'm wearing the right clothes for her Spa cloud room! I liked the atmosphere. I get to see the clouds while bathing. I just hope nobody sneak up on me!

Princess Kelly's house is just right around the corner, so, I decided to take a visit. She's making some preparations for an upcoming party in her house. She offered me to stay and experience the new room in her house. I really liked the bubble bath because the bubbles are shaped like a heart ♥

I even took a sip of the wine Kelly was offering. Luckily I didn't get drunk. ^_^

With all the Spa thing that's going on around me, I have to fill my stomach, too. After the superb lunch I had, I wanted to try those Hot Springs they're talking about. And I remembered Princess Sakura definitely has one! And lookie here, I forgot to bring my Kimono!!

I remembered once that Princess HyunKi also has her own Japanese-style Hot Springs. I immediately went there and tried her room. I really feel like I'm Japanese!!

Well, the day couldn't get much better. On the way home, I bumped into Princess Ibok. She dragged me inside her house and told me we have to have some tea on her newly decorated room.

We spent our time talking and drinking under the stars. I especially liked the stars!!

When I went home, I was really exhausted and I decided to have a relaxing massage on one of my rooms.

The smell of the roses scattered inside the room made me sleep peacefully. And at the end of the day my once straight hair is slowly getting back to it's natural curly bounce!

I am  so happy that I visited my friends and spent time with them. ♥

shopaholic me

The shopaholic day has started. All the Princesses who wants to join will go out and have fun shopping for new items!
Every Princess are so excited about the start of the week, all new items are released

The Princess gathered and spent some time with each other this week.

Me, Princesses Evolei, Polly, Chibi, Slurpee and Puchy
We had so much fun. Shopping the day away!!
It's a must that we go shopping every Monday

I just hope we don't get too broke! ^_^

Sunday, February 27, 2011

fun never stops...

My other co-Princess, Kandy celebrated her birthday a few days back. She just turned two.
All the Princesses were invited. Here's what i decided to wear for the party.

But everyone decided to dress like her! I don't have the dress and the hat she's wearing but one of the good-hearted Princess, Mini Minnie, gave us the same dress and hat!

I also brought a present for her. A cake, I hope she likes it. ♥

When I arrived at Princess Kandy's house, the party has already started. She placed a bar on the right side of the room and the view is awesome!! She got some fireworks, too!

Me with Princess Kandy, the birthday girl

I saw all the Princesses were there and we're all dressed the same!

♥ Here's Princess Kandy, Me and Princess Maymay ♥
 The night went by so fast and we were so surprised to see someone just came in to join the party!

♥ Princess Kandy, the Mayor and Me ♥
The mayor decided to grace us with his presence on Princess Kandy's birthday!
I don't know if he's invited or not. Maybe he gatecrashed! I took the liberty to have our picture taken and have it as a souvenir. Say cheese!

The fun never stops. Princess Kandy got some really good presents from the Princesses. I hope she liked my gift as well. Princess Simona got herself drunk! Maybe because the divorce was still fresh and she wants to forget it for now. She ended up staying the night at Princess Kandy's house. I just pray she doesn't get a headache in the morning.

I behaved good. No alcoholic drinks for me. Just some juices and some dancing! My feet hurts after that. And still is! I have to rest them and hope it'll not hurt in the morning anymore. ♥